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Adapting to Safety Regulations: How Hydrovac Companies Can Stay Ahead
Fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and leveraging technology to enhance safety and efficiency in hydrovac operations.
Why Signal Quality is Critical for a Concrete Pump Remote
Signal loss on a concrete line pump wireless remote control system poses several risks that can affect safety, operational efficiency and potentially the quality of concrete being pumped.
The Future of Safe Digging: Embracing Technology in Hydrovac Operations
In construction and excavation, keeping operations safe and efficient is crucial for success. Now, with technology like data analysis, sensors and wireless remotes, we're seeing even more opportunity for improvement.
How Does Battery Impact Range on a Remote Control?
This post explores how battery power impacts the range of a remote control and how that impacts construction sites.
Why Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Systems Are Critical For Machine Control
This post explores why FHSS is crucial for remote controls being used in urban areas and on construction sites.
Maximizing Remote Control Range and Connectivity
This post explores the risks for concrete pump operators of poor remote control range and connectivity plus delves into line-of-sight vs. non-line-of-sight considerations.
Dead Man’s Switch Options for Hydro Excavation
Dead man's switches play a critical role in enhancing safety on your job site. Learn more about the types of kill switches available and their pros and cons.
Pros and Cons of Aarcomm’s new Belly Pack Remote
The results of our product team's customer interviews with Belly Pack client/operators are in!
The Importance of High-Quality Batteries in Wireless Industrial Remote Controls
This post considers the importance, trade offs and risks of various battery types used for industrial remote controls.
Why Range Matters for Jetter Remotes
Why range capabilities of a wireless remote control really matters for operators of sewer jetters.
Assessing Total Cost of Ownership of a Wireless Remote For Machine Control
By understanding the total cost of ownership, you can make a more informed decision when choosing a radio remote control and ensure that you're getting the most value for your investment.
Aarcomm’s Brand Story
Why Aarcomm was founded and why that opportunity and those principals continue to drive our team and our products today.
Selecting a Remote for Your Hydrovac Truck
A good remote control plays a crucial role in the effective operation of hydrovac trucks, providing numerous benefits and enhancing their overall performance.
Durability of Your Remote Control – What to Consider
The durability of a remote control depends on several factors - all of which impact the reliability of industrial remotes.
How to use the “Diagnostics mode” on the Trident/TridentX
How to access & navigate the Diagnostics Mode on a Trident/TridentX. Adjust remote parameters on your own!
What is the “Smart Dig Wand” Dead Man Switch?
How can Aarcomm’s Smart Dig Wand dead man switch help to protect operators from the potential risks involved in Hydro Excavation?
How to use the configuration mode on the Trident/TridentX
How to access & navigate the Configuration Mode on a Trident/TridentX. Adjust remote parameters on your own!
Narrow Band VS Wide Band in the Construction Industry
This blog post explores the differences between Narrowband & Wideband frequencies and their impact on efficiency and performance within the construction industry.
What are the Advantages of Aarcomm’s Wireless Charging?
Discover why wireless charging remotes is the safest & most reliable solution for operators of mobile construction & utility equipment!
Why Customized Firmware Is So Important For Equipment Operators
Read about the benefits of wireless remote controls with customized logic and firmware for equipment operators in mobile construction.